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embed a video from YouTube into your course

There are several methods to add a YouTube or Vimeo video to your Moodle course

  1. The easiest way to add a YouTube video is to add a link to the video, by adding a URL resource. Copy the URL of the YouTube video and paste it into the address of the URL resource.

  2. You can also embed a video from YouTube into your course using the following steps:

Step 1: Add a new Page in Moodle (under resources)

Step 2: Go to the HTML source view by clicking on the filmstrip button in the content box. A pop up will appear.

Step 3: Go to YouTube or Vimeo and copy the video embed code. This is under the Share link.

Step 4: Head back to Moodle. In the pop up window, paste the video URL in the field labeled Enter URL.

Step 5: In the next field, give your video a friendly name.

Step 6: Set width=”854” and height=”480”

Step 7: Click the Insert button.